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Life Is Short

Why do so many of us wait until we retire to pursue our dreams and passions? I think a lot of people are afraid of failure, but you can still fail at doing something you don’t want to do so you might as well try doing something you DO want to do. To me one of the worst fates is to be on your death bed breathing in your last breath, full of regrets.

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Life Is Short Lyrics:
 Life is short so i’m gonna live mine
 No sacrifice for some peace of mind
 Life is short and we can’t rewind
 Real happiness isn’t hard to find

 But you caught me on the side
 Caught me on the sidelines
 But you caught me on my death bed
 Breathing in my last breath
 Full of regrets
 If you catch me on the side
 Catch me on the sidelines
 Watching the world pass me by
 Hit me on the side
 Hit me on the side of the head
 And remind me that I have to try
 Life is short so i’m gonna live mine
 No sacrifice for some peace of mind
 Life is short and we can’t rewind
 Real happiness isn’t hard to find
 But you caught me on the side
 Caught me on the sidelines
 Oh no I am nothing
 Without all my passion
 This time I will put it
 First in line this time
 Life is short so i’m gonna live mine
 No sacrifice for some peace of mind
 Life is short and we can’t rewind
 Real happiness isn’t hard to find

 If you catch me on the side
 Pull me on the sideline
 Watching the world pass me by
 Hit me on the side
 Hit me on the side of the head
 And remind me that I have to try
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Andrew Southworth