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Fire Song Meaning

The fact that you’re here means the world to me, because that means you dig my song Fire enough to want to know the original story I wrote for the song – so thank you! I’ve heard so many interpretations of the lyrics of this song and some people have shared some really heartfelt stories of who the song reminds them of and its incredible <3.

Here’s the original story I wrote the song about… (btw this is a fictional story) – also here’s the page with lyrics, links to streaming and the music video.

A woman is going to get tested for Covid, and while in line she meets a guy who asks her out on a date. They hit it off very quickly, fall in love and move in together all within the time period of the pandemic in the US. They both love dogs and adopt one from the shelter, and they share a deep love for traveling but haven’t been able to travel together due to travel restrictions.

Several months later they get into a big fight and the woman moves out and goes back home with her parents. She doesn’t answer any of his calls or texts and he respects her space, but he’s absolutely devastated because he was planning on proposing soon and already had a ring picked out.

Eventually after 2 weeks he gets a call from her parents to find out she is in the hospital on life support due to complications after contracting Covid. The symptoms came on quickly, she had to be rushed to the hospital one night and she’s been in a coma since. She dies shortly after.

She was incredibly careful with staying at home and avoiding people, but he had a job at a hospital meaning that she very likely caught Covid from him. He never got sick, but he feels like she caught it from him and it eats him up inside. Later he finds her diary and reads that she was planning on seeing him once she got better, she just needed some time alone – this was dated the day before she was rushed to the hospital.

Would it have been better if they never met? Covid ripped them apart but they also never would have met if they weren’t in line getting tested. They loved and lost a lot, but at least they loved.

I realize this is a HUGE bummer of a story, but I wanted to write something that was super depressing but also somewhat hopeful. I was thinking of all the connections i’ve made online since the pandemic started and how a lot of them never would have happened otherwise, and also how it made me reflect on whats really important in life. 2020 was a weird year and awful in so many ways, but for me creatively and in business it was my best year ever.
